I’m not crunchy, I’m CRAZY!


I’ll be the first to admit it. I am absolutely crazy. Sometimes it’s the good-and-fun kind of crazy and sometimes it’s the ‘whoa man, she cray!” But either way you look at it, I’m crazy.

But let’s chat about one thing that I am not…I am not a CRUNCHY MAMA!

Where do these classifications come from? Why do these groups and titles exist?

I’m not crunchy, or scrunchy or silky, I am MAMA. Just like Adele is ADELE. I am MAMA. As far as my Finnie Muggins is concerned, I need NO other classification or title other than M A M A. But if I must identify myself, if it helps to have a community of like minded mamas, then I hereby would like to start the C R A Z Y M A M A group!!! Who’s with me?!!!

I would like to be considered a CRAZY MAMA. Not silky. Not scrunchy. And certainly not crunchy. Wasn’t that a bad thing back in the dia?! “Oooooooh don’t you feel crunchy?” Am I telling my age here?! Ok I’mma hush.

Anyway….I am a CRAZY mama that is CRAZY about her little girl. I am MAD CRAZY in love with that sweet little thing that calls me M A M A! The love I have for her is crazy and it’s fierce and everything that I ever do willl ALWAYS be for her very best interest and it will always be coupled with the very best of intentions.

Fortunately for our mamas, they only had a handful of other mamas that lived on their same street and that was the extent of the comparisons. Now we get to compare ourselves to EVERY. OTHER. MAMA. on the planet. So, for the sake and sanity of all of us mamas, who are inundated with resources that all but FORCE us to compare ourselves with other mamas….let’s just get rid of all of the “I do this, this way.” and the “you do that, that way.” Or the ‘you believe this’ and ‘I believe that!’ How about the fact that we all LOVE our babies?! There. That makes us one group.

The list and the comparisons and the competitions just go on and on….

Is it breast or is it bottle? For me it was both. For 8 months it was breast/pumping and then when the supply ran out it was bottle. But she never went without food and nourishment. You can look at dem thigh rolls and tell that!

Vaccines or no vaccines? Vaccines! Have you ever had polio?! Me either. Thank you vaccinations!

Disposable or cloth diapers? I’ve been doing disposable but I’m kinda thinking I might give cloth diapers a go. Even if it’s just when we’re at the house. But maybe when we’re on the go we will keep on doing disposables because ain’t nobody got time for traveling AND doing cloth diapers. So there, I’m probably going to do a little bit of both.

Organic or processed? Well we eat pretty clean on a regular basis (thank you Trim Healthy Mama!!!) but er-now-n-nin life calls for a donut. Amiright?! And because of my new found love of the oils, unless you’ve cut your finger off, I’m probably going to find an essential oil for whatever is ailing you. And even if you do cut your finger off I’m probably gonna rub a little something on it until we get to the emergency room. How’s that for natural medicine?! 🙂

Co-sleeping or not? Well hmmm…being that I already don’t sleep that well, I’m gonna say the fewer elbows and feets I gotta share the covers (and mattress) with, the better. So that would be a NO but tomorrow I might change my mind so who knows.

Baby wearing? Absolutely…..when your baby is a newborn and you just want them close to you all day every day, by all means, wear dat baby. Or when they’re fussy and you’ve gots stuffs to do around the house, strap em in that sling and keep on going. And when it’s COLD outside snuggle that baby up in your Boba. But let’s make one thing clear, this is the south so when summer starts to barrel through like a freight train I’mma need some breeze between me and my baby. That kind of skin to skin closeness isn’t good for anyone.

Homeschooling? I don’t even know what we’re doing tomorrow, much less 5 years from now.

The list goes on and on of what this type of mama does vs that type of mama. I’m doing a little bit of everything. I’m doing it all. And in doing that, I AM ALL that Finley needs. I am providing her with everything that she needs. There is no right or wrong answer here. With grace and guidance from the good Lord above and the amazing friends and family that we are surrounded with, we are doing our very best and that is the very best that we can do. Some days we are just surviving and some days we are thriving.

To Fin, I’m just Mama but if I need a title in this motherhood world, then I’ll take crazy. Because LIFE is crazy, and ya know what? I AM TOO!