Let’s give this blog thing a shot…


Hey friends!

This is a big day for me. After years of saying “I need to blog more” but never really doing it, I’ve decided IT IS TIME. This is also due in part to the fact that lately, I have had several friends tell me that I should write more. I guess I don’t handle peer pressure very well because here we are. And what could make blogging more concrete and give me more accountability than a BLOG POST? So, here it is. I’m putting it out there and in doing so, I hope that I might have at least two readers to hold me to my blogging schedule and timeline (even if it’s just my mom and my husband).

But for real, all joking aside…in my research and experience as an entrepreneur –more specifically, as a photographer — I’ve seen over and over that your success isn’t always determined by whether or not you have a good product, or in my case, can take a good photo. More and more, people are wanting a connection; someone they can relate to.

Thanks to digital cameras, photographers are a dime a dozen. Now, don’t get me wrong, all photographers are not created equal. But I’m not really talking about the folks whose boyfriends got them a camera two years ago for their 6 month anniversary and now suddenly they’re a “photographer.” When you’re looking for a photographer, once you cut through the fat and get to the real meat, you’ve still got a pretty long list of really good photographers. So how do you choose? Sure, your decision may be somewhat based on price but a lot of it will also be based on how well you like and know the person. That’s where the blog is going to come in. I want you to know and love me. Not because I think I’m oh so awesome (I am but that’s another blog post:). I want you to know and love me because I want you to be able to have fun with me during your session. The more you know me, the better we can joke around, and the more comfortable you’ll be hanging out. Comfortable people take prettier pictures, and if your pictures are pretty, we’re both happy. 

But this isn’t just for future or existing clients, this is for friends too. Ultimately what I’m wanting here is a connection and a community with like-minded folks that can look at me and I can look at them and say, “I hear ya.”


So here is what it’s gonna look like…(and it’s entirely probable that my consistency is going to fail. Not a matter of if but when. You’ve been warned.)


Music Mondays

I LOVE MUSIC. I can’t write, sing, or play but my life is a movie and it’s got one hell of a soundtrack. Monday’s are for sharing new music I have found or maybe old music that I have revisited. Either way it’s all about music or movies. I may share about a movie. Who knows.

Wedding Wednesdays

This is when I will share the wedding from the previous weekend OR it might be some tips for planning your wedding. Or it might have some photography education. Some tips and tricks on how to take better photos of your kids or your dog. We’ll see where it takes us!

Finnie Fridays

This one is kinda selfish. I’m pretty good at journaling little Finnie Muggins life for my own personal viewing and reading pleasure but I don’t really do the whole monthly photo thing, and the number of photos and videos that I take compared to what I actually share is drastically different. Family fusses at me for not sharing enough but hello…I don’t wanna be the overshare girl on Facebook and Insta#nothankyou SO this is going to be a weekly recap of the amazing adventures of Madam Finley.

And lastly…

Weekends Are My Favorite

Because weekends are my favorite, I think that is a perfect time to share some of my favorite things. This could be anything from essential oils, to traveling (I promise I’m going to blog about our Europe trip eventually) or current thoughts, feelings and opinions. These will be totally random and will most likely be the most inconsistent blog series. But that’s probably because I’ll be off doing my favorite things on the weekend (usually shooting a wedding or chasing my girl).

So there it is folks…
I like to write but I can’t say that I’m very good at it.
Read it if you want. Like it if you want. But if you don’t like it, you may politely move along and keep your opinion to yourself #aintnobodygottimefadat

I will either post to this blog or to jenniferwingate.com or maybe both. Some stuff might be deep and meaningful. Some stuff might be shallow and meaningless. Guess we’ll see…




For my professional and curated photos follow @jenniferwingatephotography

For my life a little less curated follow @jenniferwingate