Finnie Friday 8.17.18

Here is the first installment of #FinnieFriday I hope to make this a regular thing so at some point I won’t be posting stuff that happened over a month ago which is what I’m doing now.

I went to the beach in July to meet up with some friends from Texas that I had not seen in 10+ years. Matt couldn’t go with me so my mom and I went and she watched baby girl for me so that I could go visit with my friends. And because I didn’t want Matt to miss out on any of the Finley fun, I promised that I would only take her to the beach for a quick photo session. Well here are a few pictures from that oh-so-quick photo session on the beach. This literally only lasted about 20 min because sunset kinda coincides with her bed time (schedules rules my life these days) so it was already a risky attempt but we got some good stuff.

Before we had kids we always talked about what we envisioned our kids to look like. Matt said that he would like them for them to have his skin (he tans really well) and his eyelashes. And I said I’d like for them to have my eye color and my hair. She is a little nutshell of everything we wanted. Truly a dream come true. It’s all starting to come out more and more and we love her so so so much. Everyday is like standing under a waterfall.

I could have photoshoped her dinner off of her sweet little face but, nah. I want to remember things just as they are:)

This is her excited face. What’s funny…when she makes this face, so does everyone else. Hahaha.

Those little fingers:)

I think this is going to be the one I put on canvas. Maybe…I like the ones of her playing in the sand too…idk. I’ll probably never put it on canvas. I’m so indecisive *insert eyeroll*






And lastly…I NEED HELP!!!! Calling all mama friends…Finley will NOT drink out of anything but a bottle. I have literally tried since she was about 10 months to get her to drink out of some sort of different cup and it IS NOT HAPPENING! We have bought every cup there is and she wants no part of it. Here is video proof that she does in fact know how to drink from a straw (yes, I know this is not a child’s cup. Just showing it for evidence) This video was a couple months ago. Now she wants nothing to do with any of it.  I remind myself everyday that she is most likely NOT going to go to college and still be drinking out of a bottle but I also kinda feel like college is right around the corner so we need to be making some strides. I have even started drinking out of the various sippy cups in hopes that she will want what mommy has but no. Not working…any advice?